MC Woohoo is an additional game mod created by the same developer. You can personalise an incredible number of elements with the MC Command Center. MCCC integrates into the Sims 4 game to let you easily customise your user experience. As we go, I am merging the parts into one mod, getting closer to the look of the final product, so don't be worried if newer updates show fewer files, it's just me making things more efficient on your end. MC Command Center is a free game modification that is made specifically for Sims 4. On a side note - I have a little mod for you, coming up hopefully late this week-end, and of course still at work on WooHoo Wellness Part 3. Dsir dtre parent, ados enceintes, fausses couches, garde partage mod ultime de grossesse et couple pour les Sims 4 Un mod grossesse et couple, mais. So I didn’t like that by the 3rd or 4th generation, there were no sims in town for my own to start a family with, or be friends with. I downloaded MCCC mainly for the continuation of the town story, because I like to play with generations. Many thanks to Deaderpool for working with me on this! I’m a longtime player, I just don’t usually use CC or mods.
How to make WooHoo Wellness work with this new version of Mc WooHoo?Īll you have to do for my system to work is put the Mc WooHoo Risky WooHoo setting on 'default' (0). When you download a new version of MCCC, be sure to either export your MCCC settings from your mod folder first, or re-do your settings once you have the new version.

Here’s what’s new The Sims Team has released a new Sims 4 SDX Drop today across PC, Mac, Xbox and Playstation Platforms. There’s a new Sims 4 Delivery Express at your door. Example: Mods > Hair > Female.package files would show up in your game if they're located in the 'Female' folder. Click and enable the Custom Content and modifications in the Game Options. Search for the Game Options drop-down menu, when you’ve successfully downloaded. Save the downloaded playable pets mod file into the modules folder.
If your script files end up in a folder within a folder they won't load properly.package files on the other hand can be in a folder within another folder. The steps to install the playable pets mod are. Now there's no need to choose between the two mods anymore, you can have both! Of course, my mod is still compatible with the rest of MCCC too (all my my mods really) The Sims 4 SDX: New Drop (Aug 22nd, 2023) August 22, 2023. All script files would have to be in 'MCCC' folder for them to work. Also sim commands is great to teleport any sim from the any world to the current lot quickly. More sims in zone setting to have more sims on lots, especially for big events. Heres how to download one of the most useful mods in The Sims 4. Pause on zone is a must so that your game is paused when you load into New lots. GREAT NEWS! The MC WooHoo module by Deaderpool now 100% compatible with ALL of WooHoo Wellness! And Publicly Released! MC Command Center (MCCC) is a mod for The Sims 4 that adds a ton of new features and options to the game. How to Get and Use the MC Command Center in The Sims 4.